🇬🇧 Ambassador Andrew Noble: ‘I have enjoyed two days travelling in those parts of Romania where the Szeklers made their homes many centuries ago. They arrived in Europe with the Magyars but have preserved their distinct identity over more than 800 years. I saw their wonderful buildings, from the beautifully restored Manor House at Miclosoara/Miklosvar to the fortified Unitarian church at Darjiu/Szekelyderzs. I met skilled crafts women and men in Corund/Korond, with its amazing and vibrant ceramics industry (and bought lots of early Christmas presents!) I re-visited the beautiful museum in Sangeorgiu de Padure/ Erdoszentgyorgy dedicated to retelling the romantic and tragic story of Prince Charles’ Great, Great, Great Grandmother, Countess Claudia Rhedey. And most of all, I helped lay the final milestones which mark the inclusion of the Mures and Harghita counties on the
Via Transilvanica
. This 1000 Kms long walk/cycle path is best understood by reading the newly available App (powered by the British company based in Romania, Endava). In future years, I am sure this challenging and fascinating route will become a magnet for 1000s of British walkers and cyclists who have yet to discover the delights and beauty of Romania’s natural environment and cultural history. That the ancient Szekler people are still here, with their way of life, language and culture intact gives me great confidence that Romania can maintain its multi-cultural, multi-religious personality in the 21st Century. This is a positive for all of us!’ (Link: https://www.facebook.com/BritishEmbassyBucharest)



The Unitarian Church of Dârjiu, as beneficiary and the Civitas Foundation for Civil Society as partner launched a project together in 2015 entitled UNESCO fortified churches in Transylvania - a network for „defending” cultural heritage with opengates” in order to facilitate access to it. 

The project is funded through the PA16/RO12 Program „Conservation and Revitalization of the Cultural and Natural Heritage” – Small Grant Scheme of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, the operator of the program is the Romanian Ministry of Culture, the Management Unit of Project.

This project aims to create a metaphor based on a medieval story. A metaphor transposed into the realities of the 21st century, when we are facing the danger of the "invasions" coming from the outside or existing within us, which consciously or unconsciously are pursuing destructive goals, resulting in globalization, in the loss of the specific cultural identities and finally in the destruction of the cultural heritage of mankind and the destruction of the diversity of this cultural heritage.


The goal of this project is to create a collaborative network between the 7 fortified churches in Romania, which are on the UNESCO World Heritage list (Prejmer, Viscri, Saschiz, Dârjiu, Biertan, Valea Viilor, Câlnic). One the one hand, this network wants to create the necessary conditions for the "defense" of the Saxon and Hungarian minorities’ ethnic cultural heritage and on the other hand, by applying the strategy of the ’open gates’ it facilitates the access to it and promotes this heritage, though.


Képtalálat a következőre: „unitarius cimer”
Biroul de Coordonare Biserici Fortificate