The Programme PA16/RO12 Conservation and Revitalisation of Cultural and Natural Heritagesupports the achievement of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 objectives:

  • reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area;
  • strengthening bilateral relations between the Donor States and the Beneficiary States.

The overall objective of the Programme is to contribute to cultural and natural heritage for future generations safeguarded and conserved and made publicly available.

The implementation of the Programme shall contribute to:

  • the protection of the Romanian cultural heritage;
  • the development of regions and cities by improving their tourist and investment attractiveness through the conservation, restoration and valorisation of cultural heritage;
  • the conservation and valorisation of intangible heritage with an aim towards strengthening cultural identity of ethnical minorities, including Roma population.

The expected outcomes and outputs of the Programme are:

  • Outcome 1:  Cultural heritage conserved, restored, renovated and protected

Expected outputs:

  • Buildings of cultural heritage value restored or rehabilitated;
  • Objects of cultural heritage value restored/preserved;
  • Digitised archives and databases;
  • Museums and cultural facilities created/enhanced.
  • Outcome 2: Local communities further developed and economically sustainable livelihoods established through the revitalisation of cultural and natural heritage

Expected outputs:

  • Strategic and planning documents created and improved, in relation to heritage assets;
  • Natural heritage sites protected or revitalised;
  • Cultural intangible heritage of ethnical minorities made accessible to the public.

At least 10% of the total eligible costs of the Programme shall target the improvement of the situation of the Roma population.


Képtalálat a következőre: „unitarius cimer”
Biroul de Coordonare Biserici Fortificate