The Saxon's Lutheran heritage

Starting from the Middle Ages the Saxons had been transforming their environment. A very good example of this transformation tendency is the structure of the villages. The center of a village is usually big, with a square shaped market place. This is the place where the main street village is heading to, together with at least one parallel smaller street. These two streets are normally linked with several narrow streets giving thus a lined structure to the complete picture of the village. In the case of bigger villages the church stands on a higher place, on the main street, and it is often a fortified one.
The interiors of the houses:
In most cases a house has three rooms. From the porch we enter the kitchen/larder, called haus by the Saxons. From this enclosure we step into the first chamber situated on the street side of the house, called stube. The stube has two windows with a view on the street and two windows looking on the yard. The stube is a nicer room, with better furniture and it is used as a guest room, or as the room for hosting special celebrations. The most decorative furniture of the room is the four poster bed, decorated with embroidered pillows and the Luther stove with its tiles with blue on white reliefs on it.
Traditional costume
The legal and social freedom of the ethnic minority, the situation in Central and Eastern Europe at the time, the fact that Saxons had their relations with the luxury loving Hungarian nobles, and their good taste are the reason that the Saxon traditional costume is really varied. Their belief that every virtuous Saxon family has to have a lot of clothes resulted in a high intensity in their clothing.
From the old Saxon inheritance we can mention: the long mantel wore by women on their backs, not wider than the shoulders, (krausel mantel), the sleeveless mantel made of white leather, rimmed with a long fur having a wide and stiff collar (kürschen), the borten, which was a long and cylindrical poling and the girls were allowed to wear it only after their confirmation, the brooch worn on the chest (heftel) and the decorated hair pin used for fixating the bonnet. The men wore a sleeveless vest made of leather (brustlatz) or white baize (postav Karaisa).