The Unitarian heritage

The Hungarian Unitarian Church is part of the universal Christian mother-church, it is the love based community of the followers of Jesus, who are trying to live according to God’s country.
The Unitarian religion is a monotheistic religion, which can be traced back to the teachings of Jesus and his disciples. The Unitarian Christianity’s institutionalized church form was created in the age of the Reformation, and it grew representing the progressive values of history. Its vocation was to serve God and mankind and to help prosper the life of the community.
The Hungarian Unitarian Church believes in God as one entity, sets as an example the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, teaches us to respect the created world, life and families. Unitarians believe in the original goodness of humans, in their individual responsibility and in their capacity of self-salvation by means of their own characters. They believe in eternal life and say that religion, reason and conscience are important. Unitarianism claims and practices the freedom of conscience and religions, openness in the discovery of new religious and ideological differences, interdenominational tolerance and social justice.
Its missional areas are: religious life, charity, education, tutoring, community culture and social responsibilities.
The Unitarians can practise their religion freely since 1568, when the Transylvanian congress has issued a regulation on ecclesiastical matters and allowed them to do so.
Today’s form of organization was created by the reunion of the Transylvanian Unitarian Church and the Hungarian Unitarian Church in 2012.
The name Unitarian comes from the Latin Unus (est Deus), which means One (God is one). Its historical importance can be followed more or less through the 2000 years long history of Christianity. The founder of the church and its first bishop was Ferenc Dávid, who was in charge with the making of the edict for the Transylvanian Diet in 1568. This edict was the first to codify the right for religious freedom and moral sense.
Due to this edict Transylvania became the land of religious freedom and tolerance at the time, giving shelter for many people who were considered as heretics in other countries of Europe and sent in exile.
Unitarianism is free of dogmas, it is a liberal religion which focuses on the relationship between God and men. Its main doctrine is the Unity of God, it sets Jesus as an example to follow, it believes in the immortality of the soul, it teaches unconditional respect for life and for the created world and it helps humans in their development, because they were born to be good.
In the last two centuries similar doctrines came to life on other parts of the world as well (USA, Great Britain, Czech Republic, India, Philippines, etc.). The different national Unitarian Churches do not form an organizational unity, but they do maintain a lot of relationships with each other.
Famous Unitarians:
János Zsigmond, Heltai Gáspár, Bogáti Fazekas Miklós, Bölöni Farkas Sándor, Brassai Sámuel, Kriza János, Orbán Balázs, Bartók Béla, Balázs Ferenc, Szabédi László, László Gyula, Mikó Imre, Bözödi György, and Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Morse, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Alexander Graham Bell, Linus Carl Pauling [United States of America], Joseph Priestley, Robert Burns, George Stephenson, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens [Great Britain].
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